To give you maximum flexibility in managing your cash flow, you can repay early at no extra cost. Interest charges will be calculated on a pro-rata basis, so you pay less by repaying early.
Repay as quickly as possible, for example today
Bring the date forward, but not necessarily to today
☝️ If the original direct debit is in progress, it is too late to change the date. Our banking partner requires 2 working days for any direct debit change.
Repay earlier or today
If you want to pay off your loan quickly:
From the table of loans, click on the loan you wish to repay
Scroll down to the repayment details
Click on Repay early
Please choose an repayment option:
Defacto debits you at an earlier date
The default date will be the earliest date we can debit you (within 3 working days). You can change this date for another that you prefer.
You make a bank transfer to us today
We will cancel the original direct debit and won't attempt another.
You can copy and paste our bank details to make your transfer before confirming. Make sure to use the transfer reference!
💡 If the option is greyed out, this means that the original direct debit is already working its magic. Please wait, repayment is imminent!